“U(N)/PLU” Resolving GLOSA’s Basic Confusions

by Mr. Li Zhenyu, Beijing, China, Nov 5, 2010

The Logic and Characteristic of Glosa

Most of Glosa's basic confusion come from over-using "Tako-Glosa(Fast Glosa)" forms like "Mi volu.;Mi kanta." in place of "U volu de mi, U kanta de mi". If we use the more exact phase structure "u(n)/ plu...de...", which will be much longer than Tako-Glosa. So, many people design various new Glosas to improve the original.

Some of those plans by adding affixes showing PARTS OF SPEECH have deviated the ISOLATING CHARACTERISC of Glosa. If their designers think that's clear for grammar or sentence structure, why don't they directly use Esperanto or Mondlango? I know, they like its Latin and Greek vocabulary which is the most common in all Euro-language, also quite short in the word shape, and, especially attractingly, its compound words are quite easy and logical. Speaking of this, I'd like to give examples to show why Glosa attracts more people.



"birdo"of Espreranto and Mondlango derives clearly from English "bird", not common to any other western languages! Glosa "avi" defives from Latin, common to most of Euro-languages! English "AVIary; AVIation,etc."are associated to the meaning "avi(bird)", which is about "bird's living place; flying". Esperanto and Mondlango can't introduce the Latin root “avi” for “avi” has the same letters “av” which meet the same shape of another word “avo(grandparent) of theirs both”.

Glosa's "bio" derives from Greek, which is more common and shorter than Glosa "vive" and Esperanto's and Mondlango's "vivo" that derives from Latin. Mondlango can't introduce the Latin root "bio" for the same meaning, because "bi" became its "two",whose "Bia (adj. of two,)" will have the same root “bi-” of "Bio(n. life)-->Bia(adj. of life)". "Bia(of two)" and "Bia(of life) are not allowed. Contrarily, Glosa can do this, because Glosa "bi(two)" needn't add some affixes like "-o, -a, -e, -u" and can indepently be. Thus, Glosa is free and flexible in word sourcing.

Glosa's "akti-lexi" and "Meno-bi" are absolutely easy and intelligent than "verb,verbo" and "February,Februaro" of the other three languages. No need to give more explanations here, since even fools can see!

“U(N)/PLU” Resolving Glosa’s Basic Confusions

There’s an easy way only by showing "U(N)/PLU" in front of all noun phrases without adding any extra new words and forms or changes to the original Glosa, in order to resolve some of basic confusions in Glosa.
Mi volu=I want.  (Not: my will).
Mi nu volu=I now want.  (Not: my present will).
Mi pa volu=I wanted.  (Not: my past will).
Mi fu volu=I will want.  (Not: my future will).

Mi volu es boni= I want to be good.
Mi pa volu es boni= I wanted to be good.
Mi fu volu es boni= I will want to be good.

u volu= a/the will (n.)
mi u volu= my will
na u-ci volu= our this will (u-ci volu de na=this will of ours)
fe plu-la volu=her these wills (plu-ci volu de fe=these wills of hers)

Mi u volu es boni= My will is good.
Mi u volu pa es boni= My will was good.
Mi u volu fu es boni= My will will be good.

Mi u nu-volu es boni= My present will is good.
Mi u pa-volu es boni= My past will is good.
Mi u fu-volu fu es boni= My future-will will be good.

Mi plu volu es boni= My wills are good.
Mi tri volu es boni= My three wills are good.
Mi panto volu es boni= All my wills are good.
Mi u volu tri es boni= My will is good.
Mi u mega volu es boni= My big will is good.
Mi u mega volu tri es boni= My third big will is good.

Mi u Robota= My Robot
Na plu Robota= Our Robots
Mi, u Robota=I, Robot
Na, plu Robota=We, Robots
Mi e na plu robota= I and our robots
Mi u e na plu robota= My and our robots
Plu robota de mi e na = (The) robots of mine and we
Plu robota de mi e de na = (The) robots of mine and ours

fe u bovi= her ox (sng.)
an plu bovi= his oxen (plr.)
u fe-bovi=a/the female ox, a/the cow
plu an-bovi= a/the male ox, a/the bull

Dona u robota a mi.= Give a/the robot to me. Better not: Dona a mi u robota.= Give (to) me a/the robot. For avoiding some possible confusion.
Dona plu robota a mi.= Give (the) robots to me. Better not: Dona a mi plu robota.= Give (to) me (the) robots. For avoiding some possible confusion.

Fe bi-rota.= she bicycles.(she rides a bicycle.)
Fe bi-rota ad u cita.= she bicycles to a/the city.(she rides a bicycle.)
Fe u bi-rota= Her bicycle.
Fe plu bi-rota= Her bicycles.
Fe tri bi-rota= Her three bicycles.

Aqa u flori= Water a/the flower
Un aqa flori= A/The water flower
U karo ami=A dear friend.  (U) Karo ami=Dear friend.
Plu karo ami= Dear friends.  "Karo plu ami" is seen in some places, which should be wrong!

Li Zhenyu

** You can see also the french translation of this page : here